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Sudahkan Main Game Bad Piggies ?

Bad Piggies

Bad Piggies merupakan game dengan tokoh utama seekor Babi. Game ini juga merupakan saudaranya Game Angry Birds karena sama2 dibuat oleh developer, Rovio. Apakah kalian belum mencoba game bad pggies ini? Jika belum, ayukk diunduh gamenya lalu dimainkan

Get ready to see pigs fly!
From the creators of Angry Birds: an all new game from the PIGS’ point of view!
"Extremely fun and very challenging" -- Kotaku
“The best title Rovio has released yet” - IGN
“4/4 - Must Have” -- Slide to Play

"Bad Piggies is awesome, and needs to be a part of your iOS game collection just as much as the rest of the Angry Birds series" - Touch Arcade
"If you can’t enjoy watching a pig drive a badly constructed car off a cliff and onto a pile of dynamite, you probably don’t have a soul." - Yahoo/BGR
Create the ultimate flying/crawling/rolling/spinning/crashing device and pilot the pigs safely to the eggs!
The Bad Piggies are after the eggs again -- but as usual, nothing is going according to plan! Can you create the ultimate flying machine and steer them safely to their destination? Those tricky pigs have a few objects they can use, but they need your help to turn these into the perfect transportation!
With more than 87 levels, and free updates coming up, you have hours and hours of pig-crashing, exploding, and flying fun! Get three stars to unlock 18 more levels! HINT: Sometimes you need to play the level several times to achieve all the objectives -- try building a new device or steering in a different way to earn all the stars!

? 87 levels crammed with flying/driving/crashing fun!
? 18 additional levels unlocked by getting three stars!
? Free updates!
? 4 sandbox levels to stretch your creativity!
? Ultra-special, ultra-secret, ultra-difficult sandbox level to unlock by collecting all the skulls!
? 33 objects to create the ultimate machine: motors, wings, fans, bottle rockets, umbrellas, balloons, and much more!
Mechanic Pig
? Need help? This little piggy will build it for you!
? Mechanic pig pre-assembles transport for you!
? All you have to do is pilot it!
? Tweak his design to get all three stars!
Get ready to see pigs fly!

28 Responses to "Sudahkan Main Game Bad Piggies ?"

  1. di gal y ngelek gak gamn ?

  2. di gal y ngelek gak gan ?

  3. jelly blast ota 4 udah update
    ne hajar
    caranya ama kayak jb ota 2 & 3
    do with your own risk

  4. ups..jb nya buat galaxy young ya?
    mati2an ane nyari
    skrg ane pke ussr aj dah...
    cinta produk dalam negri...
    mohon diratakan info dr saya

  5. Gan ane maen ginian lag banget, walupun udah make cf3d tetep aja lag...
    ada saran gak gan?

  6. @ adhi chronique
    sipp infonya
    @ Wahyu Adi Putra
    aktifkan flight mode

  7. jb ota 4 ini sumber nya

    saling menghargai tulisan orang lain

  8. hmm
    tapi versinya turun jadi 4.0.4 ?

  9. versi resminya kan bulan desember...

  10. gan masih lag, ada saran lagi gak??

  11. pake chainfire 3D
    atau overclock processornya smpe 900 MHz

  12. gan.. kalau game suka lag .. kira2 aplikasi apa ya . yg mirip game booster yg dikomputerku..(no root) *sorry . g nyambung*

  13. chainfire 3D, RAM Booster, dll

  14. pake Antutu CPU Master atau SetCPU
    ingat gan..hati2

  15. gan ada g GTA 3 buat ARMV6 / QVGA ? kalau ada kasih tau link nya y :D tapi GTA nya APK sama DATAnya ya ;)

  16. tolong dong gan .. post game HD root buat galyoung ane :D

  17. @ Anonim
    nih gan linknya :D
    @ Anonim
    ya gan...insyaallah kalo sempat

  18. bsa gk buat hp WVGA .....

  19. bsa kah buat L7

  20. mana gan versi armv6 tapi malah ke copperwiki dowloadnya gimana caranya gan

  21. mana gan versi armv6 tapi malah ke copperwiki dowloadnya gimana caranya gan

    1. linknya lagi error...cari di google aja ya


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