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Launcher Keren, Windows Phone 8

Akhirnya setelah ditunggu-tunggu, Launcher windows phone 8 tiba di Google Play Store dengan nama Launcher Wp8. Launcher ini memang terlihat sangat simple dimana homescreennya hanya kotak-kotak dan untuk membuka app drawer hanya tinggal swipe ke kanan saja.
Hmmm lumayanlah buat orang yang menyukai kesederhanaan.
Okey silahkan didownload disini

Windows Phone 8 style Launcher for your Android Phone
Bored of Android's User Interface? Do you like the new Windows Phone 8 start screen? If you do, then wait no more!
LauncherWP8 is a great app for you to experience the brand new Modern UI by an Android mobile phone. You can resize into the new small and large tiles, "install" apps and change theme colour! We provide different sizes, colors and themes for you to choose so you can design your own favourite layout and show off to your friends!

LauncherWP8 is made by, a website that provides you with tons of thousands of free apps, games, rom,ringtones and wallpapers. You can get anything you want in Please remember us!

11 Responses to "Launcher Keren, Windows Phone 8"

  1. spb s 3d z blum knyang... dah da yg bru ...kren jg prlu d cba ne...ijin comot gan...!!!

  2. mau nanya pixel se xperia ray berapa?

  3. @ aabbeken
    @ Anonim
    480 x 854 pixels

  4. gan,,,d playstor byk versi'y tuch...
    pa ne yg plg kren...?

  5. di klik cuma muter" ke link itu aja

  6. coba downlod dari browser lain

  7. gimana ganti walpaper dan bikin shortcutnya transparan gan?

  8. gan...
    tuhk kan warnany pink, bsa d ganti gk tuhk jdi warna biru muda?

    makasih ya gan...

  9. @ Anonim
    download/update ke versi yg terbaru
    @ nurach
    pink? ungu ah

    iya bisa


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