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Temple Run For Android

Hmm kali ini Ilmu-Android akan mengeshare game yang cukup fenomenal nih di Android... yup namanya Temple Run.. sobat Ilmu Android pasti pernah dengar kan nama game ini.. ?

Buruan download sebelum link di banned

Run for your life!

The addictive mega-hit Temple Run is now out for Android! All your friends are playing it - can you beat their high scores?!

You've stolen the cursed idol from the temple, and now you have to run for your life to escape the Evil Demon Monkeys nipping at your heels. Test your reflexes as you race down ancient temple walls and along sheer cliffs. Swipe to turn, jump and slide to avoid obstacles, collect coins and buy power ups, unlock new characters, and see how far you can run!

"In every treasure hunting adventure movie there’s one scene in which the plucky hero finally gets his hands on the treasure but then has to navigate a maze of booby traps in order to get out alive. Temple Run is this scene and nothing else. And it’s amazing." -

Untuk ARMv7 Devices
Download here

Untuk ARMv6 Devices ( Cth : Galaxy Y, Mini, Pocket)
Untuk Galaxy Y dan Pocket sebelumnya anda harus install Chainfire 3D

26 Responses to "Temple Run For Android"

  1. emang galaxy Y bisa maen temple run ?

  2. Perlu diroot dulu gak..?

  3. CFD itu chainfire 3D bkn gan ?
    gimana cara pake.nya ??
    saya udh coba, tapi tetep aja nge.lag..

  4. buat galaxy y & pocket perlu di root

    iyaa, buka chainfire nya pilih plugin QUALCOMN beri centang pada Reduce Text Quality Reduce Texture Quality

  5. makasih gan, udah jalan di galaxy Y ...
    Game yang lain di share juga dong, hahah..

  6. gan... sya sudah memakai cf3d.... tp saat buka aplikasinya napa gx bisa kebuka langsung kembali keenu?

  7. @ lionel muzammil
    mungkin gak kompatibel
    @ jibril keren
    buat hh yg gak punya gpu (Gal Y,.Gal Pocket, Gal Fit) harus di root buat install Chainfire

  8. gan.... napa pd saat mau mendapatkan poin di awal permainan gambarnya pecah2....(sy udah pkek cf3d dgn plugin qualcomm)

    galaxy y

  9. coba download apk yg satu lagi yg di link 2shared

  10. gan kok abis pilih QUALCOMN langsung ada tulisan : you should re-use the ''fix Market'' function ! : ?

  11. dpt data QUALCOMN di mana ? kok waktu pas aku cari plugin kok g ada QUALCOMN nya ?

  12. @ Alvein Dhiwaul H.
    beri tanda centabg pada Fix Market Setting di chainfire3D gan...
    @ Apin Wididing
    agan dah download plugin qualcomnn nya ?

  13. belum hehe.. emg gmn cra download nya ?

  14. @ Apin Wididing ~
    hpnya apa gan ?

  15. galyoung cdma

  16. cari di Google
    "Plugin Chainfire Galaxy Y"

  17. ane galaxy mini pake ROM new experience itu gmna gan?
    pake yang ARMv6 apa ARMv7?
    kondisi udah root and ugrade gingerbread 2.3.6

  18. Gan numpang nanya lebih bagus mana temple run brave atau temple run OZ

  19. @ Maen
    galaxy mini armv6
    @ adit
    saya ga bisa menilai game hehe, tapi dua2nya sama bagus

  20. gan kk waktu mau ambil point gambarnya pecah ? gimana nih
    galaxy y

  21. Gan kok saya ada tulisan "could not acquire superuser access! is your device rooted ?

  22. Gan kok saya ada tulisan "could not acquire superuser access! is your device rooted ?


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